Welcome to DarkHorrorGames (DHG) Online Games
DarkHorrorGames is a website devoted only to horror online games. We don't care about zombies or monsters unless they bring in the atmosphere of pure evil and a sticky sense of blood and absolute horror. Online games will give you a glimpse at what older rated console games are like.
So, what does make a horror game scary?
Online horror games are slightly more popular now because they are severely underserved in the PC and games console world. Horror games are almost none existent, since most horror premises are co-opted into action games. Apparently, hunting down aliens or genetic mutations is no longer a subject for scary games, and is just used as an excuse for another action game. There have been some scary games in the past. Silent Hill 1 and 2 were frightening, as were the early Resident Evil games, with Resident Evil 4 winning all the prizes. Dead Space has its moments, as does Manhunt.
What is so scary about horror games?
With games like Manhunt, it is probably the sheer violence. With Slender (the 3D versions), it is the creepy feeling of being followed. With the Resident evil games, it is the silent arena that makes those scary moments more shocking. Plus, most of the Resident evil games put you against increasingly difficult foes with increasingly less ammo.
Silent hill 1 and 2 were the scariest, due in part to the difficult the handle controls, the feeling of isolation, the very scary noises and music, and the general lack of visibility. Other games have tried to recreate this by not allowing the user to see the floor, but it does not recreate what Silent Hill 1 and 2 managed to achieve.
Are scary online games hit or miss?
Yes they are. But, it always seems to be the ones that show you too much that are the biggest losers. Even with a point-and-click game, if you are only shown a quick flash of possible something, then it is better than the severed head in the paper basket. The popup scary pranks in the games are okay, but they become tired for the more hardcore horror gamer. It is the ones that tease you more that are the best, such as if you click on a photo to have a closer look, and you think you see the little girl in the picture blink.
WARNING: Some images in games on this website might be disturbing for you. Yet, there is no risk or personal/emotional investment, so if you see something that you don't like, simply close the window.
UPDATE: Due to the increased interest in the escape games I decided to initiate a new project entitled Cool Escape Games, which contains not only horror but also all other types of escape games, such as house, prison and room escape
Dark Horror Comments
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- bluepandcandy commented on Silent Hill Room 304 : Very good game and well done.I love point and click games :)
- Diamond Dazzle Tiara commented on Death Embrace 3 : Not bad
- ScareMeToDeath commented on Ghostescape 2 The Cabin : good effects, but dammit couldn't find the last sphere or the blade. I'm thinking that there was no blade at all.
- Diamond Dazzle Tiara commented on Haunted Hospital - Kogama 3D Multiplayer Game : sounds like a fun game :P
- Diamond Dazzle Tiara commented on Dark Deception : i think the monkey was behind me
- cordelia commented on Don't Escape : @Diamond Dazzle Tiara It's basically the opposite of a normal room escape game. You're trying to barricade yourself so that when you turn into a werewolf you CAN'T escape. Once you're satisfied you've done everything you can, click on the hourglass in the top left corner to start your transformation. Then you'll see how well you did. If you want more detailed hints, feel free to ask!
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