1. New Orleans, Louisiana
Haunted New Orleans is by far considered by locals, visitors and paranormal investigators world wide as actually the most haunted and No. # 1 Haunted City in all the United States and the world. With all the past and present spiritual activity taking place in this central plot The haunted French Quarter - transcendent, dark, and in between two worlds - most who witness this City for all it's worth of supernatural origins. With 200 years of ghostly legends involving Voodoo curses, Spanish moss draped oak encircled duels, cold-blooded murders, Stories of Revolutionary War Pirates and Civil War soldiers, and Jazz. New Orleans has earned a serious reputation as one of Haunted New Orleans Tours most haunted cities. Locals say that the concentration of extremes leaves the city open to ghosts within the homes and businesses of Central New Orleans.
" The most popular tourist site to have your possible brush with the supernatural. But there is more to Haunted New Orleans then just the supernatural Locales. It's an experience you will never forget!"
Haunted New Orleans Voted Haunted New Orleans the best Haunted City in the United States for 2004 - 2010. By the readers of www.hauntedamericatours.com.
Also see Gina Laniers Top Ten Haunted Places in New Orleans here.
Cities Of the DeadSouth Louisiana possesses the Crown Jewel of all Haunted Cities - New Orleans. Haunted hotels, haunted cemeteries, haunted houses you name it it;s haunted... And real Voodoo Too!
More Haunted Plantations of LouisianaLong before the docks of haunted New York City became crowded with European refugees, the port of New Orleans was already melting everything in its wondrous Creole pot. Among the earliest settled cities of the New World, New Orleans' place at the bend of the mighty Mississippi River more than guaranteed it a unique and interesting life. Held by French and Spanish, threatened by the British, and governed by Abraham Lincoln's Army of the Republic during the Civil War, this venerable "Old Lady" has seen generations come and go with grace and quiet charm.
.One could spend an entire lifetime in the Crescent City - so-called because of its auspicious placement at the river's turn - and still not know all there is to know of her, nor ever, it has been said, get enough of her. Characterized as an almost living being, the City itself has been suspected of casting a spell over all who come to her, assuring that all who visit will eventually come back.
>Also see http://www.hauntedamericatours.com/AMERICAHAUNTEDPLACES.htm for more<
And Gina Lanier's Top Ten Most Haunted Spots in New Orleans
2. The Haunted Underground Vaults, Edinburgh, Scotland
Far below the busy streets of modern Edinburgh lies a dark, forgotten corner of history. Discovered in the mid-1980’s, the Edinburgh Vaults had been abandoned for nearly two hundred years. Lying beneath the South Bridge, a major Edinburgh passage, the rooms were used as cellars, workshops and even as residences by the businesses that plied their trade on the busy bridge above.
Abandoned soon after they were built due to excessive water and moisture, the vaults remain, unaltered, never illuminated by the light of day.
> Also see: http://www.hauntedamericatours.com/HAUNTEDPLACES.htm For More <
3. Walachia, Transylvania, Land of Dracul, Romania
“Beyond the green swelling hills of the Mittel Land rose mighty slopes of forest up to the lofty steeps of the Carpathians themselves. Right and left of us they towered, with the afternoon sun falling full upon them and bringing out all the glorious colours of this beautiful range, deep blue and purple in the shadows of the peaks, green and brown where grass and rock mingled, and an endless perspective of jagged rock and pointed crags, till these were themselves lost in the distance, where the snowy peaks rose grandly ...
“Just then a heavy cloud passed across the face of the moon, so that we were again in darkness . . . This was all so strange and uncanny that a dreadful fear came upon me, and I was afraid to speak or move. The time seemed interminable, as we swept on our way, now in almost complete darkness, for the rolling clouds obscured the moon.
“We kept on ascending, with occasional periods of quick descent, but in the main always ascending. Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the sky.”
-- “Dracula” by Bram Stoker.
> More about the real Dracula here < > And Vampires Here<
4. The Haunted Catacombs, Paris, France
Long ago, as the city of Paris grew, it became necessary to provide more space for the living. To do so, engineers and planners decided to move the mass of humanity least likely to protest: in this case, the dead. Millions of Parisian dead were quietly disinterred in one of the largest engineering feats in history and their remains were deposited along the walls of the chilly, dank passageways lying beneath the City of Light. They lie there to this day, in the eternal darkness, an Empire of the Dead.
The Paris Catacombs are infamous and much has been written about their history and purpose. A million visitors a year are said to walk the dank corridors and to stare at the bones and gaze fixedly into the empty eye-sockets of the long dead. Many of these same visitors, and some of their guides, have encountered more than just the silence in the catacombs: they have had encounters with ghostly inhabitants that roam the empty passageways and mutely follow the tour groups around.
5. Myrtles Plantation, Saint Francisville,Louisiana
Saint Francisville is located in West Feliciana Parish Louisiana. A small town on the Mississippi River. Once the Capital of the Republic of West Florida, it is here that John James Audubon (Birds of America Collection) created over 80 of his beautiful watercolors. There are seven Magnificent Plantation homes opened for public tours.
And The Myrtyles Plantation is the one you would not want to miss. And with all the recent investigations by TAPS is now fast becoming the most famous ghost filled haunted house in America.
> Read More Here About the Myrtles Ghosts <
A town where all the residents are mediums or psychics. The main "business" in this quaint hamlet, is communicating with the dead and healing the sick. It is a beautiful town, very peaceful, with a Gothic look that invites visitors to stroll the narrow streets. Almost every home in the town has a hanging sign announcing the services of a medium. This is not just a business, it is the combined religious beliefs of Spiritualism. The residents and practioners, invite visitors to their town, but frown on the curiosity seekers. UNX-researchers frequently conduct psychic studies with certain Spiritualists in Cassadaga, in addition, one of our UNX-parapsychologists is a long time resident of Cassadaga. This unusual village was founded in 1895, by George Colby, who was guided to the spot by an Indian Spirit, who directed Colby to build a Spiritual Center on the site. Cassadaga is located between Orlando and Daytona Beach, in Volusia county, just east of Interstate-four.
7. Galveston,Texas
No discussion of the history of Haunted Galveston, Texas would be complete without mention of the most traumatic event in the city's history -- the Great Storm of 1900. Galveston is Paranormal Texas at it's best! Many of the Lone Star states Ghost Hunters and supernaturally curious flock to the island to seek out the Ghost man of Galveston Dash Beardsleyl
Founded in 1836, Galveston has a history as old and phantom-filled as the entire state of Texas. Tales of pirates and civil war soldiers, of drowned victims of the Great Storm of 1900 that still wander the Galveston streets looking for home. These are but a few of the phantoms of Haunted Galveston.Galveston was the first Texas city to have electric lights, electric street cars, a post office, naval base, a newspaper, public library and hospital and many other products of civilization. Galveston is rich in history and was the area known as the "Strand" encompasses many of the most historic buildings in the old city including the 1894 Grand Opera House, many museums, shops and eateries. The Galveston Strand was once called "The Wall Street of the Southwest" because it's location and climate attracted so many of the formidable "old money" families of the Northeast. This barrier island also boasts one of the country's largest bird migratory flyways, beautiful beaches and amazing, rich salt marshes.
In the early 1800's the island was used as a headquarters by the famous buccaneer pirate Jean Lafitte who used the remote and trackless surroundings to hide his treasure and further his clandestine trade with outlying territories. Legends abound of the buried treasure left behind by Jean Lafitte and his men and treasure hunters still seek the lost booty to this day. In 1821, Lafitte was ordered to leave by the American forces aboard the warship "Enterprise." Lafitte sailed out of Galveston aboard his frigate "Barataria Bay" was never seen in Galveston again - at least not by any living eye." The Best Little Ghost Tour in Texas" Ghost Tours of Galveston Island: This the best Texas ghost tour has been voted by you America as one of the Top Ten Most Haunted, Best Tour to see a ghost, and Best Scariest Ghost City Tour to experience in America! More here on the ghosts of Texas: Ghost tours of Galveston. We can definitely state that Galveston is worth visiting for its ghost tour and haunted sites.This ghost tours has been voted by you America as one of the Top Ten Most Haunted, Best Tour to see a ghost, and Best Scariest Ghost Tours to experience in America!
Also see: Dash Beardsley Ghost Tours of Galveston, Texas Top Most Haunted List
More on haunted Texas Ghosts: Peter Haviland of Lone Star Spirits, "Texas Top Ten Most Haunted List"
8. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
GETTYSBURG GHOSTSThe most deadly battle of the Civil War took place in 1863 in the tiny Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg. Union soldiers were low on ammunition and losing the fight, nearly capitulating them to the advancing Confederate army. Then, as they used up the last of their gunpowder, a ghostly George Washington on a white stallion appeared before them, urging them on to victory — an event that ultimately turned the tide of the war. That's the way the legend tells it anyway, and to this day, the people who live in and around Gettysburg maintain that George Washington's ghost rides regally across that same battlefield every summer. Of all the forlorn, countless souls awash in time, none reach out to us more than those of the dead at Gettysburg . . . Their presence on earth was silenced forever by death. Or maybe not." -- Mark Nesbitt.
Americas' Best Haunted Ghost Tours in the United States. Voted by Reader submissions as "The Best or Most haunted Ghost Tour in America for you to take and to investigate and you might just encounter a real ghost.< VISIT HERE TO VIEW FULL LIST >
Though the battles have long ago ended and the sound of cannons and muskets is but a distant memory, there are some souls who are still waiting for the call to “Retreat” – and for them, it may never come!
Make plans to visit a Haunted Battlefield today! < VISIT HERE TO VIEW FULL LIST >
Also See: Mark Nesbitt's Top Ten Most Haunted Places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
9. Rosedale, Mississippi
Highway 8 intersects with Highway 1. Robert Johnson and his infamous crossroads deal with the devil – in which he traded his immortal soul for musical genius – is deeply ingrained in the mythology and legend of the rural South and is one of the best-known tales of American folklore.
10. Borley Rectory
The first known reports of paranormal events date to around 1863. At this time, a few locals reported hearing footsteps within the house. On 28th July 1900, four of the daughters of the rector reported seeing what they thought was the ghost of a nun from 40 yards' distance near the house in twilight: they tried to talk to it, but it disappeared as they got nearer[4]. Various people would witness a variety of puzzling incidents, such as a phantom coach driven by two headless horsemen, through the next four decades. Henry Dawson Ellis Bull died in 1892 and his son, Revd. Harry Bull, took over the living. In 1911, he married a younger divorcee, Ivy, and the couple moved with her daughter to nearby Borley Place until 1920 (when he took over the rectory), whilst his unmarried sisters moved to Chilton Lodge a few miles away.
On 9th June 1927, the rector, Harry Bull, died and the rectory again became vacant. In the following year, on 2nd October 1928, the Reverend Guy Eric Smith and his wife moved into the home. One day, soon after moving in, Mrs. Smith was cleaning out a cupboard when she came across a brown paper package, inside which was the skull of a young woman.Shortly after, the family would report a variety of incidents including the sounds of bells ringing, lights appearing in windows, windows shattering, unexplained footsteps, and their daughter was locked in a room with no key. In addition, Mrs Smith saw a horse-drawn carriage at night. The Smiths contacted The Daily Mirror to ask them to put them in touch with the Society for Psychical Research. On 10th June 1929, the paper sent a reporter who promptly wrote the first of a series of articles detailing the mysteries of Borley. The paper also arranged for Harry Price, a paranormal researcher, to make his first visit to the place that would ultimately make his name famous. He arrived on 12th June. Immediately, objective 'phenomena' of a new kind appeared, such as the throwing of stones, a vase and other objects. 'Spirit messages' were tapped out from the frame of a mirror.Finally driven from their home by the poor state of the house, the Smiths left Borley on 14th July 1929 and, after some difficulty in finding a replacement, the Revd. Lionel Foyster, a first cousin of the Bulls, and his wife Marianne moved into the rectory with their adopted daughter Adelaide on 16th October 1930. Lionel Foyster wrote an account of the various strange incidents that happened, which he sent to Harry Price. Price estimated that, between the Foyster's moving in October 1930 and October 1935, some two thousand incidents took place there, including bell-ringing, stones, bottle-throwing and wall-writing. Lionel Foyster's wife Marianne reported to her husband a whole range of poltergeist phenomena which included her being thrown from her bed. On one occasion, Adelaide was attacked by "something horrible". Twice, Reverend Foyster tried to conduct an exorcism, but his efforts were futile. In the middle of the first, Foyster was struck in the shoulder by a fist-size stone. Because of the publicity in The Daily Mirror, these incidents attracted much attention at the time from several psychic researchers who investigated, and were unanimous in suspecting that they were caused, consciously or unconsciously, by the Rector's wife, Marianne Foyster. Mrs. Foyster later stated that she felt that some of the incidents were caused by her husband in collaboration with one of the psychic researchers, but other events appeared to her to be genuine paranormal phenomena.The Foysters left Borley as a result of Lionel's ill health, and Harry Price, after a gap of over five years, renewed his interest in the house, renting the building for a year from May 1937 to May 1938. Through an advertisement in The Times newspaper on 25th May 1937, and subsequent personal interviews, he recruited a corp of forty-eight 'official observers', mostly students, who spent periods, mainly at weekends, at the Rectory with instructions to report any phenomena which occurred. In March 1938, Helen Glanville conducted a Planchette séance in Streatham in London. Price reported that Glanville made contact with two spirits. The first was that of a young nun who identified herself as Marie Lairre.[15] She said she had been murdered on the site of Borley Rectory. Her answers were consistent with the local legend . Her French name, though, was a puzzle. She was a French nun who left her religious order, married, and came to live in England. The groom was supposedly none other than Henry Waldengrave, the owner of the seventeenth-century manor house. Price was convinced that the ghostly nun who had been seen for generations was Marie Lairre, condemned to wander restlessly as her spirit searched for a holy burial ground. The wall writings were her pleas for help.
The second spirit to be contacted identified himself by the strange name of "Sunex Amures". He claimed that he would set fire to the rectory at nine o'clock that night. He also said that, at that time, the bones of a murdered person would be revealed. The predictions of Sunex Amures came to pass, in a way, but not that night (27 March 1938). In February 1939, the new owner of the rectory reported that he was unpacking some boxes when an oil lamp in the hallway overturned. The fire quickly spread, and Borley Rectory was severely damaged. An onlooker said she saw the figure of the ghostly nun in the upstairs window. The burning of the rectory was investigated by the insurance company and determined to be an insurance fraud. Harry Price conducted a brief dig in the cellars of the ruined house and, almost immediately, two bones of a young woman were discovered. A subsequent meticulous excavation of the cellars over three years revealed nothing further.
11. Sloss Furnace
Aprail 18, 1882, Sloss Furnaces began producing iron and did not stop until ninety years later. Over the decades, Sloss Furnaces gave rise to the city of Birmingham and served as a battleground for economic, employment and social reform. Now recognized as a National Historic Landmark, Sloss Furnaces is open to the public as a museum of industry which speaks to the contributions of the working men who labored there. With its massive furnaces, web of pipes, and tall smokestacks, it offers us a glimpse into the great industrial past of the South and our nation.Shut down in 1970 when it was no longer profitable for parent company U. S. Pipe, the property was donated to the City and is maintained as a museum, and a monument to Birmingham's iron industry. Sloss Furnace today is a fascinating place to visit, and a great way to gain an understanding of the making of iron that was such a key element in the development of the Magic City.
Sloss Furnaces has been the focus of numerous paranormal investigations, and has appeared on many national television programs about haunted sites. The site has been billed as one of the nation's most haunted sites with reports of hundreds of unexplained occurrences over the years. The annual Fright Furnace Halloween haunted attraction capitalizes on this legacy. Internet ghost site Dread Central has a feature on paranormal activity at Sloss.
12. Tower of London
Often counted as the number one of the most haunted Castle in Great Britain. Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress The Tower of London, more commonly known as the Tower of London (and historically simply as The Tower), is an historic monument in central London, England on the north bank of the River Thames. It is located within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and is separated from the eastern edge of the City of London by the open space known as Tower Hill.
The Tower of London is often identified with the White Tower, the original stark square fortress built by William the Conqueror in 1078. However, the Tower as a whole is a complex of several buildings set within two parallel rings of defensive walls and a moat.The Tower's primary function was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison (particularly for high status and royal prisoners, such as the Princes in the Tower and the future Queen Elizabeth I). This last use has led to the phrase "sent to the Tower" (meaning "imprisoned"). It has also served as a place of execution and torture, an armoury, a treasury, a zoo, a mint, a public records office, an observatory, and since 1303, the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom.Inside the torture chambers of the tower various implements of torture were used such as the Scavenger's daughter, a kind of compression device, and the Rack, also known as the Duke of Exeter's Daughter.Prisoners in the Tower
The Tower of London was used as a prison for those of high rank and for religious dissidents. Those of high rank, including prisoners of royal status, were housed in relative comfort. Religious dissidents were however much more severely treated and were often tortured.The first prisoner was Ranulf Flambard in 1100 who, as Bishop of Durham, was found guilty of extortion. Ironically he had himself been responsible for various improvements to the design of the Tower after the first architect Gundulf moved back to Rochester. He escaped from the White Tower by climbing down a rope, which had been smuggled into his cell in a wine casket.Other prisoners include:John Balliol King of Scotland
David II King of Scotland
John II King of France
Charles I de Valois, Duke of Orléans was one of the many French noblemen wounded in the Battle of Agincourt on October 25, 1415. Captured and taken to England as a hostage, he would remain in captivity for the next twenty-five years, at various places including Wallingford Castle. Charles is now remembered as an accomplished poet owing to the more than five hundred extant poems he produced, most written when a prisoner.
Henry VI of England was imprisoned in the Tower, where he was murdered on the 21 of May 1471. Popular legend has accused Richard, Duke of Gloucester of his murder. Each year on the anniversary of Henry VI's death, the Provosts of Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, lay roses and lilies on the altar which now stands where he died.
Margaret of Anjou, wife of the above
Sir William de la Pole. A distant relative of King Henry VIII, he was incarcerated at the Tower for 37 years (1502-1539) for allegedly plotting against Henry VII thus becoming the longest serving prisoner here.
Queen Elizabeth I, imprisoned for two months in 1554 for her alleged involvement in Wyatt's Rebellion.
John Gerard, S.J. (1564-1637) an English Jesuit priest, operating undercover during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, when Catholics were being persecuted. He was captured and tortured and incarcerated in the Salt Tower before making a daring escape by rope across the moat.
Sir Walter Raleigh spent thirteen years (1603-1616) imprisoned at the Tower but was able to live in relative comfort in the Bloody Tower with his wife and two children. For some of the time he even grew tobacco on Tower Green, just outside his apartment. Here he wrote The History of the World.
Niall Garve O'Donnell Irish nobleman, ironically a one-time ally of the English against his cousin, Red Hugh O'Donnell.
Guy Fawkes, famous for his part in the Gunpowder Plot, was brought to the Tower to be interrogated by a council of the King's Ministers. However, he was not executed here. When he confessed he was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered in the Old Palace Yard at Westminster, however he escaped his fate by jumping off the scaffold at the gallows which in turn broke his neck - killing him.
Johan Anders Jägerhorn, a Swedish officer from Finland, Lord Edward FitzGeralds friend, participating in the Irish independence movement. Spent two years in the Tower 1799-1801, but was released because of Russian interests.
Lord George Gordon, instigator of the Gordon Riots in 1780, spent 6 months in the Tower while awaiting trial on the charge of High Treason.
Rudolf Hess, deputy leader of the German Nazi Party, the last state prisoner to be held in the tower, in May 1941.
The Kray Twins, the last prisoners to be held, for a few days in 1952, for failing to report for national service.
13. Kutna Hora's 'Bone' church, Sedlec Ossuary
Henry, the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Sedlec was sent to the Holy Land by King Otakar II of Bohemia in 1278. When he returned, he brought with him a small amount of earth he had removed from Golgotha and sprinkled it over the abbey cemetery. The word of this pious act soon spread and the cemetery in Sedlec became a desirable burial site throughout Central Europe. During the Black Death in the mid 14th century, and after the Hussite Wars in the early 15th century, many thousands of people were buried there and the cemetery had to be greatly enlarged.
Many say ghost photos, sightings and strange feelings often overwhelm the visitors to the Chapel. Chandelier made of bones and skulls and many other macabre decorative designs by František Rint.
the Gothic church was built in the center of the cemetery with a vaulted upper level and a lower chapel to be used as an ossuary for the mass graves unearthed during construction, or simply slated for abolition to make room for new burials. After 1511 the task of exhuming skeletons and stacking their bones in the chapel was, according to legend, given to a half-blind monk of the order. Read More Here Now !
LaLaurie House, located at 1140 Royal Stree tNew Orleans, Lousiana. There is, indeed, a long and grim history associated with the house, and it is all traced back to Madame Delphine LaLaurie.
It has been called the Most Haunted House in New Orleans by Many locals and tourist alike. And still others consider it to be the most haunted hoys in the world. > Read More Here <
And Gina Lanier's Top Ten Most Haunted Spots in New Orleans
15. Pere La Chaise Cemetery, Paris, France
The largest cemetery in the city of Paris, France and one of the most famous in the world. Père-Lachaise is located on Boulevard de Ménilmontant, The cemetery takes its name from Père François de la Chaise (1624-1709), the confessor of Louis XIV, who lived in the Jesuit house rebuilt in 1682 on the site of the chapel.
Jim Morrison — GraveAmerican singer, songwriter, author, and poet. Permanent crowds and occasional vandalism surrounding this tomb have caused tensions with the families of other, less famous, deceased. The cemetery has been forced to hire a full-time security guard for the grave. Many other parts of the cemetery have been defaced with arrows purporting to indicate the direction toward "Jim", though even these defacements have in many cases been defaced themselves, resulting in arrows that point in two directions.
The cemetery was established by Napoleon in 1804. Cemeteries had been banned inside Paris in 1786, after the closure of the Cimetière des Innocents on the fringe of Les Halles food market, on the grounds that it presented a health hazard.Famous Burials at Père-LachaiseOscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Alice B. Toklas, Countess Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry, Charles Messier, Yves Montand and Clarence John Laughlin — American Surrealist photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. His most famous published work was "Ghosts Along the Mississippi" and Sarah Bernhardt — famous French stage and film actress.
16. Magh Sleacht Plain, near Ballyconnell, County Cavan, Ireland
Cavan is a sparsely populated county in north central Ireland, immediately south of the border with Northern Ireland and midway between the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The countryside is dotted with lakes and hills, and the River Shannon, the longest in Ireland, originates in the rugged Cuilcagh Mountains in the west of Cavan.Cairn tombs and crannog islands dating from ancient times abound in Cavan and Magh Sleacht Plain, near Ballyconnell, was once an important Celtic pagan shrine. Here was located the dreaded Crom Cruach, the Bloody Bent One, the Elder King, the Chief Idol of Ireland.
In ancient days Magh Sleacht, which means “Plain of Adoration,” was the location of a mighty stone, covered all in hammered gold, which was the stone image of Crom Cruach. In those days, he was surrounded by twelve smaller stones, gods in ready attendance on the whims of the mighty Old One. Here parents came to sacrifice one third of their children to Crom on Samhain night (October 31st) in exchange for a year full of milk, corn, fertile cattle and a fertile growing season. The god horrified many because of his terrible demands and it was dangerous to worship him because worshippers themselves often died in the orgiastic bloodbath that he required.
The worship of Crom Cruach is said to have been demanded by King Tigernmas whom some describe as a Roman Chieftain, while others claim he was one of the last of the Formorian Kings. Still others believe Crom to be the manifestation of Moloch, the ancient god of the idolatrous Hebrews to whom they sacrificed half their newborn children in a trial by fire. The similarities do not end there. King Tigernmas himself died in worship of the Bloody Bent One, killed by rabid followers in an orgy of blood.
Many believe that the legend is simply that, a legend. Others point to the mention of Crom Cruach in the St. Patrick legend: they claim that when Patrick established Christianity at nearby Armagh, he went to Magh Sleacht and defeated Crom, and having done so, caused the golden idol to sink into the earth. In recent times, however, some followers of the pagan faith have rediscovered Crom Cruach and, perhaps he has been waiting patiently to answer their call.
17. St. Louis Cemetery Number 1, New Orleans, Louisiana
The Voodoo Queen still lives on today in this the second most haunted cemetery in the world in the new worlds most haunted city New Orleans. If only in legend. Her grave is visited by the faithful and the curious year round. Many come to her tomb and place small offerings there. Like beans, food or Monkey and Cock statues and various real Voodoo items. Many make chalk marks on the face of her stone tomb, in the sign of three x's or a cross. " The most popular tourist site to have your possible brush with the supernatural. But there is more to Haunted New Orleans best most haunted Cemetery then just the supernatural locale. It's an experience you will never forget!" 3421 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119-2902
The burials are in above ground vaults; most were constructed in the 18th century and 19th century. The above-ground tombs, required here because the ground water levels make burial impractical in New Orleans, are strongly reminiscent of the tombs of Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. The three cemeteries are relatively intact following Hurricane Katrina, although all experienced some flooding.
18. The Stanley Hotel
333 Wonderview, Estes Park, CO
If you are a Stephen King fan, request room 217. It was in this room that King, inspired by the hotel, wrote half of "The Shining." Room 418 seems to have the most ghostly activity reported. In fact, the entire fourth floor (formerly the servants quarters) is quite active. Often, the sound of children playing in the halls can be heard, even when no children are present. > Read More Here Now about the ghosts of the Stanley Hotel <
19. Amityville, Long Island, New York
112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, Long Island, New York, is reputedly haunted due to a mass murder (the DeFeo family) that took place in the house on the evening of November 13, 1974. The Lutz family moved into the house thirteen months later, but fled 28 days later claiming that the house was haunted.
Families have continuously lived in the house since the Lutz family fled and have reported no supernatural disturbances. Several people (notably the attorney for the man who murdered the DeFeo family) have come forward to say that the story was concocted as a money making scheme and an appeals strategy over many bottles of wine.
Though both George and Kathy Lutz disputed that until Kathy's death in 2005, the Amityville Horror book and film franchise has been a huge money-maker for over 25 years.
Please > Read more about the Amityville The House Of Horrors: Facts and Fictions... Here< http://www.hauntedamericatours.com/hauntedhouses/amityville/ <
20. Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Waverly Hills Sanatorium, located in Louisville, Kentucky, opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. It has since come to be considered one of the most haunted buildings in the Eastern United States. In the early 20th century, Jefferson County was severely stricken with an outbreak of tuberculosis. The original Waverly Hills building was soon home to over 140 patients. A larger hospital was needed for the overwhelming number of patients coming in, so construction of a five-story building that could hold more than 400 patients began in March 1924.
The new building opened on October 17, 1926, and was eventually closed in June 1961. The building was reopened in 1962 as Woodhaven Geriatrics Hospital; Woodhaven was closed in 1981 due to patient abuse. > READ MORE HERE<
21. The Winchester Mystery House
California mansion that was under construction continuously for 38 years. Deeply saddened by the deaths of her daughter and husband, and seeking solace, Sarah Winchester consulted a medium on the advice of a friend.
According to popular history, the medium, who has become known colloquially as the "Boston Medium", told Winchester that there was a curse upon the Winchester family because the guns they made had taken so many lives. She told Winchester that "thousands of persons have died because of it and their spirits are now seeking vengeance." > READ MORE HERE <
22. Chickamauga National Battlefield
The 5,200 acre Chickamauga Battlefield, scene of the last major Confederate victory of the Civil War, contains numerous monuments, historical tablets, wayside exhibits, and trails. Major points of interest can be reached by following the seven-mile auto tour. The Visitor Center includes exhibits, a bookstore, and the Claud E. and Zenada O. Fuller Collection of American Military Shoulder Arms.
The four Union generals given credit for bringing an end to the Civil War (Generals Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, George H. Thomas, and Philip Sheridan) were all in Chattanooga in the autumn of 1863. There are stories of ghost soldiers, and the sounds of gun shots, marching, crying, and moaning. > READ MORE HERE<
23. The White House
The White House - its kitchens are reputedly haunted by Mamie Eisenhower, wife of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Mrs. Eisenhower had a difficult relationship with household staff who worked in the kitchens. After her husband left the presidency, kitchen staff during the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies reported finding the kitchen reorganised overnight back to the way Mamie had demanded.
Lincoln's ghost is just one of the many spooks and specters top roam the great halls. After Lincoln's assassination in April 1865, Mary Todd Lincoln attempted to stay in contact with her dead husband through private readings and seances. Whether she achieved genuine communication with the late president will never be known. Mary also visited the studio of William Mumler, a Boston engraver who claimed to photograph the dead. This photo (right) of Mary with the ghostly Lincoln was the result of her sitting with Mumler.
In 1869, Mumler was arrested for public fraud, larceny, and obtaining money under false pretenses. The highly-publicized trial ended in dismissal for lack of evidence. Was Mumler a fraud? Probably, although many of his sitters claimed to recognize loved ones in Mumler's photos who had never been photographed in life. Others claimed that some of the "spirits" in his pictures had been identified as living models.
For further research on Mumler and his "spirit" images, visit the American Museum of Photography's The Mumler Mystery. This site includes many examples of Mumler's carte de visites with background on each image.
After the death 'Mamie reorganisations' were reported by a number of staff in the kitchen who could find no explanation for the changes and none of the security staff on duty saw anyone entering or exiting the kitchens at night. Some staff claimed to have seen Mamie on occasion in the kitchen rummaging through cupboards.
24.Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu ( (Quechua: Machu Pikchu Old Peak; sometimes called the "Lost City") is a pre-Columbian city created by the Inca Empire. It is located at 2,430 m (7,970 ft)[2] on a mountain ridge. Machu Picchu is located above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, about 70 km (44 mi) northwest of Cusco. Forgotten for centuries by the outside world, although not by locals, it was brought back to international attention by archaeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911, who made the first scientific confirmation of the site and wrote a best-selling work about it. Peru is pursuing legal efforts to retrieve thousands of artifacts that Bingham removed from the site. Machu Picchu is probably the most familiar symbol of the Inca Empire. Often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas". The site was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1983 when it was described as "and absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony to the Inca civilisation".
Many call it the most Mystical Place on earth and have reported paranormal expierences and enlightment. Machu Picchu was constructed around 1450, at the height of the Inca empire, and was abandoned less than 100 years later, as the empire collapsed under Spanish conquest. Although the citadel is located only about 50 miles from Cusco, the Inca capital, it was never found and destroyed by the Spanish, as were many other Inca sites. Over the centuries, the surrounding jungle grew to enshroud the site, and few knew of its existence. In 1911, Yale historian and explorer Hiram Bingham brought the “lost” city to the world’s attention. Bingham and others hypothesized that the citadel was the traditional birthplace of the Inca people or the spiritual center of the “virgins of the sun,” while curators of a recent exhibit have speculated that Machu Picchu was a royal retreat.
It is thought that the site was chosen for its unique location and geological features. It is said that the silhouette of the mountain range behind Machu Picchu represents the face of the Inca looking upward towards the sky, with the largest peak, Huayna Picchu (meaning Young Peak), representing his pierced nose.
In 1913, the site received significant publicity after the National Geographic Society devoted their entire April issue to Machu Picchu.
On July 7th, 2007, Machu Picchu was voted as one of New Open World Corporation's New Seven Wonders of the World.
25. Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas
One of the most famous hotels in the state of Texas, and long a gathering place for the state's political players, it is said to be haunted by at least half a dozen ghosts, including the spirit of a young girl heard bouncing a ball down the main stairs; the ghost of founder Jesse Driskill himself; and a "suicide bride" who killed herself in room 427 in 1989.
The hotel enjoyed a grand opening on December 20, 1886, and was featured in a special edition of the Austin Daily Statesman. In January 1887, Governor Sul Ross held his inaugural ball in its ballroom, beginning a tradition for every Texas governor since.
Driskill unfortunately did not have the clientele to match the splendor of his four-star hotel. At a time when other hotels were 50 cents to one dollar per night, Driskill charged $2.50 to $5.00 (including meals), an exorbitant sum at what was then still relatively a Wild West town. Following the loss of a great fortune in cattle drives, Driskill was forced to close the hotel in May 1887, less than a year after it opened. According to legend, he lost the entire hotel in a game of poker to his brother-in-law, Jim "Doc" Day, who became its second owner.
The hotel changed hands several times through the turn of the century, and went through boom and bust cycles along with the city of Austin. The original building was expanded in 1929 with a thirteen-story tower.
The Driskill was threatened with demolition in 1969, and most of its furnishings sold, but was saved from the wrecking ball at almost the last minute when a non-profit organization called the Driskill Hotel Corporation raised $500,000. The hotel re-opened in 1971, under management of the Braniff Airways corporation and has remained successful since.
Throughout its history, the Driskill has become a centerpiece for Austin's high society, and especially in its early years, a common meeting place for Texas state congressmen, where many "backroom deals" were said to go down.
The Driskill was where future president Lyndon B. Johnson took his wife, Lady Bird Johnson on their first date. It became his campaign headquarters during his congressional career, and became his home base on return trips to Austin as President. He watched the results of the 1964 Presidential Election from its presidential suite and addressed supporters from its ballroom after his victory.
Today the Driskill remains one of the premier hotels in Texas, featuring lavish bridal suites, two restaurants, and a grand ballroom. It is also well-known for being one of the most haunted hotels in the United States, featuring as many as half a dozen ghosts throughout the building.
The hotel is located at 601 Brazos Street. It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1969.
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